
Cup Taster Week

Partecipation requirements

Foundation level diplomas of all SCA modules should be obtained.

Length of course

6 working days, from 10:00 to 17:00

Price and dates of the courses

Request information at


Bazzara Academy - Via Battisti 1 - Trieste

At your complete disposal for any doubt

Cup Taster Week – the opportunity offered by Bazzara to obtain the Intermediate level diplomas of the SCA Green, Roasting and Sensory modules at an advantageous price in a week spent in Trieste, the Italian capital / city of coffee.

  • Day 1-2 GREEN COFFEE: the module analyzes green coffee in more detail and focuses on the professional skills necessary for professionals who will go to work daily with green coffee.
  • Day 3-4 ROASTING: the course will make you understand the roasting process, how it takes place and how to control the sensory characteristics of coffee by changing the curve or degree of roasting; as it includes the study of roasting defects and the physical changes that occur in the beans during roasting.
  • Day 5-6 SENSORY SKILLS: this module focuses on three main topics: the deepening of the characteristics of sensory analysis, the organization of a cupping session and the application of these concepts at a professional level of coffee.

Included services:

Coffee breaks, use of equipment and consumables necessary for the course are included in the price.



Q Arabica Grader, Authorized SCA Trainer e Direttore della Bazzara Academy, in azienda si occupa di controllo qualità, selezione e miscelazione del caffè. È creatore della collezione Panarabica, 3 miscele 100% Arabica, premiata nel 2024 durante i prestigiosi Luxury Food&Beverage Quality Awards come "Miglior Caffè da Selezione". È appassionato di analisi sensoriale del vino, dell'acqua, dei distillati, del miele, del thè, del cioccolato e del profumo.
Giudice sensoriale, sommelier e profumiere artigianale, la sua esperienza tocca diversi ambiti sensoriali ottenendo qualifiche professionali nel campo del tè, del miele, del cioccolato, del caffè, dell’acqua, dei distillati.
Artista marziale e sportivo, pratica sport da combattimento a livello agonistico da anni. Co-autore del libro CoffeExperts.

Course Gallery