Trieste Coffee Experts 2019

In 2014 we brought forth the first Trieste Coffee Experts, the summit that brings together the protagonists of Italian coffee in Trieste.

An opportunity for reflection and comparison in order to address topics and issues concerning the coffee chain, worldwide.

An event that through dialogue, allows to identify the best way to face the challenges of the market and emphasizes the need to network and promote the exchange of knowledge and experience to increase mutual professionalism.

Trieste Coffee Experts is part of our commitment in order to enhance and promote quality espresso culture: we create events to promote the creation of synergies among the protagonists of  Italian coffee.

Trieste Coffee Experts 2019



21.09.2019 — COFFEE DESTINY

— 1 FOURTH WAVE Probably no one knows yet exactly what is going to happen to coffee within the global market, but that of which we are certain of is that the commodity in question has been included conventionally within 3 historical and sociological waves that mark a watershed in the time axis. More and more we hear of a “4th wave”; there are already some forecasts on the dynamics that characterize it, such as the concept of “global community” that will see, as the main focus, the relationship between people sharing knowledge and experiences. Also interesting to consider how the bartender, main figure of the “Third Wave”, should rethink or even reinvent his or her role in this New Wave. Will future coffee be served by a drone in a “hyper reality” setting? Will new trends bring the consumer to order green coffee via smartphone, directly from the manufacturer and then roast it in turn by means of new accessible technologies? Will we ride the wave or get swallowed up by it?

— 2 DEGUSTO ERGO SUM here are several reports concerning the Black Elixir: from its birth in Ethiopia, to its world invasion in the course of the centuries, to its different forms of consumption… However, one sure piece of fascinating news is that it that of its evolution in taste thanks to the scientific research of different operators who,through the use of technology, brought the drink to “explode” on a sensory level. Operations carried out directly in plantation, accurate laboratory selection in regards to the best beans,have been giving us for a few decades,exotic and meditative tastings. Based on the assumption that this nervine drink in question never stops surprising us, thanks to the passion of some professional tasters, varied possibilities of sensory matching between different agri-food products. What new emotions will coffee offer us in the future?

— 3 AGGREGATION CONTAMINATION AND SUSTAINABILITY One of the most exciting and hopeful of words of our time is “contamination”; with this term what must be understood, in this case, is our commitment to share information and experiences deriving from more professional fields with the aim of expanding the Italian “know how” be it intended in the art of roasting quality coffee, or be it in the technical care and aesthetics in building masterpieces of modern architecture, like our coffee machines and coffee grinders; but surely in this context, one of the more interesting and proactive aspects is represented by the approach of the consumer countries with the producing countries of coffee, with the intent to meet and share their knowledge for the greater good of the coffee chain. The Italian coffee sector has been also permeated by ruthless competition, but things lately seem to have changed for the better and all of this is thanks to us, the coffee-men of the new millennium, who have sensed the importance of a gathering in order to increase each other’s know-how.


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Event program:

Coffee Destiny (Saturday 21 September)

Introduzione alle opere

  • Franco Bazzara
    (President Bazzara Espresso)

Fourth Wave

  • Cosimo Libardo
    (Ad Carimali)
    Is the age of the specialty already over?
  • Sergio Barbarisi
    (General Manager BWT Italia)
    Coffee and water: same water, opposite needs. What challenges await us for water treatment in a changing world
  • Andrea Lattuada
    (9Bar president)
    A new wave of bartenders

Degusto Ergo Sum

  • Giorgio Grasso
    (ARC Administrator)
    The importance of coffee raw food
  • Luigi Odello
    (Presidente Iiac)
    The sensorial sustainability of coffee
  • Massimiliano Fabian
    (Ad Demus)
    From health to pleasure, not just caffeine

Aggregation, contamination and sustainability

  • Andrej Godina
    (Presidente Umami Area)
    Sustainable coffee, the importance of aggregating social responsibility throughout the production chain
  • Michele Cannone
    (Marketing Manager Lavazza)
    Sustainability, a supply chain project that must involve all the protagonists
  • Luigi Morello
    (Presidente INEI)
    Why it is important to value Italian espresso

Coffee 4.0 at Trieste Coffee Experts (Sunday 22 September)

Introduzione ai lavori

  • Franco Bazzara
    (President Bazzara Espresso)
  • Zeno D’Agostino / Video Intervention
    (President of the Port System Authority of the Eastern Adriatic Sea)

Colombia, development between sustainable productivity and coffee quality

  • Gloria Isabel Ramirez
    (Ambassador of Colombia to Italy)
  • Carolina Castaneda
    (European director of the Federacion Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia B.V.)

Coffee associations

  • Fabrizio Polojaz
    (President of the Caffè Trieste Association)
  • Marino Petronio
    (Gruppo Italiano Torrefattori Caffè)

Coffee 4.0

  • Giuseppe Biffi
    (Digitalization Business Development Manager Siemens)
    Thinking Industry further! Digitalization for manufacturing
  • Roberto Pedini
    (Sales Product Development Manager Ima Petroncini)
    The added value of Industry 4.0 for roasting
  • Mauro Martinengo
    (Sales Manager Opem)
    Smart Packaging
  • Luigi Morello
    (Business Unit Director Gruppo Cimbali)
    Tradition and digital transformation in the barista world
  • Michele Cannone
    (Marketing Manager Lavazza)
    Innovation as a tool to improve the quality of Italian espresso


Tante cose, cari Bazzara, siete davvero l’enzima che sta
mettendo insieme il mondo del caffè, lo fate con serietà
ed eleganza e con una capacità di comunicazione di certo
non comune nel nostro settore. Io sono felice di essere stato
con voi, vi ringrazio di tutto e spero nella promessa delle
convergenze parallele. Un brindisi al vostro successo

Luigi Odello

Il Trieste Coffee Expert è stata una bellissima esperienza
che mi ha permesso di riallacciare relazioni con molte persone
che stimo, il tutto mentre si discuteva di temi inerenti il mondo
del caffè e molto vicini al mio cuore. Bellissima esperienza che consiglio a tutti.

Cosimo Libardo

I miei migliori complimenti per l'ottima organizzazione,
impeccabile nei dettagli, detta da chi sa cosa significa
curare i particolari!! Ho trovato questa edizione, la mia
seconda, davvero ricca di nuovi contenuti soprattutto
ampliata a tutta la filiera.

Carmen Stanziola

"Trieste Coffee Experts 2019 è stata una due
giorni d’interessante brainstorming sulla
possibile evoluzione del mercato del caffé
a tutto tondo.”

Massimiliano Fabian

[…] Colgo ancora l’occasione per complimentarvi
con voi per l’ottima riuscita dell’evento e per
ringraziarvi della squisita ospitalità

Giuseppe Biffi

È stato un piacere, come ogni anno, partecipare al
Trieste Coffee Experts, una manifestazione davvero
speciale. Hai proprio ragione, tutti noi siamo il Trieste
Coffee Experts, condivido in pieno

Andrea Lattuada

Dear Bazzara team, On behalf of the Colombian Coffee Growers Federation I want to thank
the Trieste Coffee Experts and Bazzara for a wonderful event. We are also very grateful
for dedicating a space from the conference to be devoted to Colombian coffee and
the farmers sustainability. The conference was very well organized, the presentations
were fantastic and all the attendees were friendly and welcoming.

Carolina Castaneda
Federacion Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia B.V.

Ancora un grande grazie a tutti voi
Bazzara e ci tengo anche a tutto lo staff
intero per la bellissima esperienza che mi
avete dato l’opportunità di vivere.

Roberto Pedini
Ima Petroncini

Trieste Coffee Experts 2019

Saturday 21 September 2019 - Coffee Destiny

14.30   Introduzione ai lavori

  • Franco Bazzara
  •   (Presidente Bazzara Espresso)

14.45   Fourth Wave

  • Cosimo Libardo
  (Ad Carimali)
È già finita l’era dello specialty?
  • Sergio Barbarisi
  (General Manager BWT Italia)
Caffè e acqua: stessa acqua, necessità opposte. Quali sfide ci attendono per il trattamento dell’acqua in un mondo che cambia
  • Andrea Lattuada
  (Presidente 9Bar)
Una nuova ondata di baristi

15.55   Degusto Ergo Sum

  • Giorgio Grasso
  (Amministratore ARC)
L’importanza del crudista
  • Luigi Odello
  (Presidente Iiac)
La sostenibilità sensoriale del caffè
  • Massimiliano Fabian
  (Ad Demus)
Dalla salute al piacere, non solo caffeina

17.05   Aggregazione, contaminazione e sostenibilità

  • Andrej Godina
  (Presidente Umami Area)
Caffè sostenibile, l’importanza di aggregare una responsabilità sociale su tutta la filiera di produzione
  • Michele Cannone
  (Marketing Manager Lavazza)
Sostenibilità, un progetto di filiera che deve coinvolgere tutti i protagonisti
  • Luigi Morello
  (Presidente INEI)
Perché è importante valorizzare l’espresso italiano

Sunday 22 September 2019 - Coffee 4.0

10.15   Introduzione ai lavori

  • Franco Bazzara
  (Presidente Bazzara Espresso)
  • Zeno D’Agostino
  •   /   Video Intervento  
    (Presidente Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mare Adriatico Orientale)
    10.35   Colombia, sviluppo tra produttività sostenibile e qualità del caffè

    • Gloria Isabel Ramirez
      (Ambasciatore della Colombia in Italia)
  • Carolina Castaneda
  •   (Direttrice europea della Federacion Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia B.V.)

    11.00   Associazioni del caffè

    • Fabrizio Polojaz
      (Presidente Associazione Caffè Trieste)
  • Marino Petronio
  •   (Gruppo Italiano Torrefattori Caffè)
    11.50   Coffee 4.0

    • Giuseppe Biffi
      (Digitalization Business Development Manager Siemens)
    Thinking Industry further! Digitalization for manufacturing
  • Roberto Pedini
  •   (Sales Product Development Manager Ima Petroncini)
    Il valore aggiunto dell’Industria 4.0 per le torrefazioni
  • Mauro Martinengo
  •   (Sales Manager Opem)
    Smart Packaging
  • Luigi Morello
  •   (Business Unit Director Gruppo Cimbali)
    Tradizione e trasformazione digitale nel mondo del barista
  • Michele Cannone
  •   (Marketing Manager Lavazza)
    Innovazione come strumento per migliorare la qualità dell’espresso italiano

    Trieste Coffee Experts Location

    The event in 2019, for the first time, sees the development of a second day.

    Excellent location for this occasion, which brings together experts and experts from the coffee world. The conference will take place inside the EMPEROR HALL of the Starhotels Savoia Excelsior Palace

    Discover our facility

    2017 edition

    The Trieste Coffee Experts is the summit organized by the Bazzara brothers. Every two years, it brings together the protagonists of the Italian coffee world in the Julian capital

    The third edition - held in 2017 - confirmed the video interview format for the experts. Two great news also: the live streaming of the event and a choral action of social engagement that involved all the partners of the event.

    Ed. 2017