The countdown has started to the next Trieste Coffee Experts 2023, TCE, the summit dedicated to the world of coffee and organised by Bazzara, historical Trieste family-run roasting company, designed by its President, Franco Bazzara.
An event which was presented in advance on the occasion of the 10th edition of TriestEspresso Expo and which will take place this year in its 6th edition, finally back live in November.
What’s the aim of the TCE? “The Trieste Coffee Experts was born by an intuition we had about the fact that there isn’t enough space, there aren’t enough opportunities of sharing among the stakeholders of this sector to talk about the present and the future of coffee”, states Franco Bazzara, Presidente of the company. “That’s why we thought of an event born out of the awareness that if during exhibitions people stay in their stands to sell their product and there are few opportunities of sharing, during workshops, instead, there is an open dialogue, the occasion to gather the main representatives of the Italian and international coffee sector”.
The concept itself is based on the main features of the brother Bazzara, i.e. staying together to create culture and to network in the Italian coffee world, aware, at the same time, that it is necessary pool the energies to reach a common success.
“In a moment like this it is important to stay together and pool energies. The TCE has exactly this aim: it is a summit which gathers incredible personalities to speak about several topics and to share. There are many schools of thought in this field and this occasion creates debates among friends to widen the knowledge on the world of coffee”, adds Mauro Bazzara, CEO of the company.
The company Bazzara really believes in the spread of the Made in Italy culture and the ritual of espresso coffee is inevitably part of this culture. That is why the summit, which due to the pandemic saw its last 2021 edition transformed in an exclusive book (“CoffeeExperts” written by the brothers Marco and Andrea, respectively Sensory project manager and Academy director and Sales manager of the company) this year will reunite again around the same table some among the main personalities of the world of coffee and it will have as paramount topic the future of coffee focused on innovation and sustainability, very important topics in a world which continuously changes.
The title of the summit will be “Innovation & Sustainability Oriented” and the two-day event will be divided in a first day of workshops and a second day dedicated to several speeches concerning the culture, the innovation and the digital transition in the coffee world.
Not only in Italy: also this year, on the 6th edition, there will be the streaming version of the event which will be, thus, available also in other countries thanks to the interpreters.
It is worth it to remember the great success registered in October during the preview of the TCE which saw the participation of great names, such as, Luigi Morello, President of the IEI (Italian Espresso Institute), Michele Cannone (Global Brand Director of Lavazza), Cosimo Libardo (Treasurer of the International Board of the Specialty Coffee Association) and many others with very innovative speeches. In the past editions of the event we would like to remember the presence of Luigi Odello (President of Centro Studio Assaggiatori of the International Institute of Coffee tasters), as well as Enrico Maltoni, expert and collector of coffee machines, and the Earl Giorgio Caballini of Sassoferrato who is working on the UNESCO nomination of the “coffee ritual” as Intangible Cultural Heritage.
Franco Bazzara concludes by saying: “We have to always keep in mind that the basic idea is networking, being connected among us to be able to transfer the expertise in the sector to the enthusiasts and those who will be through the contribution of several professionals. We are ready!”